Thursday, January 17, 2008

Week 4 Post B

Dear Boyd Shreave,

These past days working at Relentless were amazing. I loved meeting with you and actually getting to know you better. Passing dirty notes and in front of the boss really hyped up my day. I loved being in the secrecy of your wife but now i think that our relationship must end. You don't work at Relentless anymore so i see a need to make a clean break from you. Honestly, I think that i need to go onto bigger and better things. You weren't making progress in your job and you were hindering my emotional and business success. So to put it blankly i am breaking up with you. Don't call me. I wish not to talk to you anymore and your number is blocked on my phone, cell and home.


P.S. Your cock is messed up from the stupid cactus.

Dear Managers of Relentless,
I would like to file a complaint against your client Boyd Shreave. He sends sexual notes to me during hours of work and touches me in innapropriate places. I would assume that you should fire this dirt bag immediatley.

Genie Fonda.

Dear Ms. Lily Shreave,

This is Genie Fonda. For a long time i have been having an affair with your husband which i recently broke off. I am really sorry but i feel that you should know that Boyd is a lying, cheating scum bag and you are to good for him. Your more successful and he mooches off of ou and your pizza money ALL THE TIME. I recomend that you break it off.

Genie Fonda.

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